uudet ominaisuudet: Keskiviikko, 12 Maaliskuuta
Tunnisteet: 22 vuotta - Kolumbialaine - Whatsapp - Telegram - Video
Beauty, affection, friendliness, sensuality, sweetness... all of these things are found by those who approach me. Also a lot of education and savoir-faire, a serene way of being and, at the same time, a little mischievous when the occasion requires it. And the thing is that I am a Latina woman and, as a good Latina, I have always thought that life needs a little spice to enjoy it to the fullest. I am an expert in this. That is why, for those who know me, my name, Milu, becomes synonymous with many sensations, all of them good and very gratifying. Getting to know me means, inevitably, becoming addicted to me.